Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I complete this training along with my full-time work or study?

A. Yes, this training can be completed online part-time along with other full-time studies or work. You will receive access to our online platform, which you can access anytime on your own schedule to complete the training within 2 months (8 weeks).


Q. Do you offer scholarships?

A. Unfortunately, we do not offer scholarships.


Q. I have paid the registration fee, when I will get my registration confirmation email?

A. You will receive the payment receipt from PayPal instantly after paying the registration fee. However, you will receive your confirmation of registration email within 24 hours of your registration.


Q. Do I have to ''work part-time'' for Cambridge Expert Training Forum or any of your partner organisation during my Virtual Work Training?

A. No. You ''will not work'' for us or any of our partners. We ''do not'' provide any employment and we never ask our participants to perform any kind of work for us or our partners. Instead, participants will perform multiple practice tasks on our virtual platform to enhance their knowledge and experience in the area. 


Q. Is my place in the training guaranteed after I pay the registration fee?

A. Yes, you will receive the registration confirmation email and you will be able to start the training on your training start date. Please note, if all the available places are filled then we will close the registration on our website, and you can no longer register or pay the registration fee.


Q. Can I get a refund?

A. Yes, you can get a refund of your registration fee if you request a refund at least 2 days before your training in-take date.


Q. Why do you have a registration fee for your Virtual Training?

A. We offer our virtual training on a virtual learning platform, which also includes ebooks, materials, and training design costs. Therefore, the registration fee covers these expenses.


Q. The training will start after 1 or 2 months, can I register for the training now?

A. Yes, you can register for any of the training available on our website anytime. Early registration is highly recommended to reserve your place.


Q. Can I get a reference after I successfully complete my training?

A. You will receive an e-certificate of work training. Your employer/future employer can verify your e-certificate through our website.


Q. Can I verify my e-certificate?

A. Yes, your e-certificate will be verifiable online through our website. 


Q. Are you connected to any institute or university?

A. We are not a part of any university. Cambridge Expert Training Forum is an accredited CPD provider and we are an official partner of the Cambridge Centre for Innovation and Development. We are also collaborating with Laboratory Skills Development Centre, London. Read more about us here.